Training Course

Faculties (Professors, Lecturers) and researchers (Research Directors and Permanent Researchers) teach and train at all levels of higher education. They work at INSA Lyon and Claude-Bernard University Lyon 1 (UCBL).

Training through research is one of the goals of the laboratory, which welcomes PhD students and interns all year round. PhD students may also participate, under certain conditions, in teaching, in particular via the so-called Doctoral Contracts which assign them a teaching duty.


Training Course - 09/03/2021

Science Festival "Fête de la Science"

Let's celebrate the scientific spirit with joy and sense of humor together!

What actions should be taken to fight global warming? How can we imagine the transformation of our major energy, urban, societal systems, ? What can we do to face this great global challenge? How to mobilize individually and collectively? The purpose of this conference is to propose solutions.

Training Course - 10/08/2016

Fête de la Science 2016

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