Research activities

The Centre is currently structured into 5 themes:

  • Micro and Nanoscale Heat Transfer (MINT)
  • Fluids, Polymers and Composites (FPC)
  • Reactive Media and Heat Transfer (MRTT)
  • Energy and Heat Transfer in Industrial Systems (EHTIS)
  • Heat Transfer and Energy Processes in Buildings and their Environement (TEBE)

The menu on the left allows you to get more details. Publications from the laboratory that have been uploaded to the HAL archive can also be found on the left.


Research activities - 12/04/2023

The strange thermal behaviors of the nanoworld

How to establish a methodology able to include the limits of our planet and helping companies in their decision-making processes?

Research activities - 12/10/2021

Stefan-Boltzmann's law is not valid at nanoscale

The celebrated physical law, which dates from 1884, cannot be applied when the radiating bodies that exchange heat are very close.

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