
Research activities
2007: Moody Award of the ASME 2008 for M'hamed Boutaous
As part of ASME's annual conference, FED2007, held in San Diego (USA) in 2007, the Lewis F. Moody Award 2008 was awarded to M'hamed Boutaous, Lecturer at CETHIL, for his lecture entitled "Heat Transfer and Air Diffusion Phenomena in a Bed of Polymer Powder Using Apparent Heat Capacity Method: Application to the Rotational Molding Process" . This award, which rewards "the most outstanding original papers dealing with the practice of fluids engineering", is shared with E. Perrot, A. Maazouz, Bourgin P. and P. Chantrenne, for their joint work on heat transfers in polymer powders. The awards ceremony was held on August 12th, 2008, at the ASME annual conference in Jacksonville, USA, August 10th-14th.