Research activities
Annual SF2M days
The annual SF2M (French Society of Metallurgy and Materials) Days will take place in Lyon, at INSA, from October 23rd to October 25th, 2017. The South-East section of SF2M is in charge of the organization, in collaboration with INSA's CETHIL and MATEIS laboratories, with the help of members of the Federation of Engineers of Lyon Saint-Étienne (Ingélyse) and the Carnot Institute I@L.The general theme for this year is "MATERIALS, MICROSTRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONALITIES". These days aim to highlight the materials - processes - properties triptych, by presenting the significant advances concerning the new processes and the structuring of the surface or volume materials, the multi-scale and multi-level techniques of characterization and modelin as well as the strategic application areas where the specific engineering of materials leads to improved performance.Registration fees are the same as in 2016 (190 € for students, 340 € for speakers and members of SF2M, 460 € for non-members).The flyer and the link to the event site are available here.