Research activities
August 2016: Eloïse Guen wins one of the awards at the Journées de la Matière Condensée
Eloïse Guen, PhD student at CETHIL in the Micro and Nanoscale Heat Transfer group (MiNT), shares the prize for the best poster communication at the 15th Condensed Matter Days (JMC15) held in Bordeaux from August 22nd to 26th, 2016. The work of E. Guen, who is in the first year of her PhD thesis project, aims at identifying the parameters that influence the measurement by scanning thermal microscopy. E. Guen shares the award with seven other recipients, who cover all areas of condensed matter.
Scanning thermal microscopy is a technique based on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), which allows local thermal characterization of materials due to the small size of the AFM tips.The measurements are particularly sensitive to a series of parameters such as tip temperature, roughness, or thermal conductivity contrast.
The award-winning communication, co-authored by David Renahy, a research engineer, and P.-Olivier Chapuis and Séverine Gomès, permanent researchers of the MiNT group, is part of the European project QUANTIHEAT, coordinated by CETHIL since December 2013, which aims at a better understanding of the technique. The JMCs are organized every even year by the Condensed Matter Physics Division of the French Physics Society (SFP), alternating with the General Congress of the SFP in odd years.
See the abstracts of the papers and the names of the recipients on the CMJ15 website.
Contact: Séverine Gomes, Coordinator of the Micro and Nanoscale Heat Transfer (MiNT) group