Research activities
CETHIL participates in the COMETE project that develops intelligent housing management
The COMETE project, an acronym for "Cloud pour la maison intelligente et l'efficacité énergétique", develops new equipment and systems to intelligently drive home automation systems, which will improve comfort in residential and public buildings while saving energy. Eight partners are involved in this project: a leading industrial group in the home automation sector and one of its subsidiaries (Somfy and Overkiz), four regional SME and ETI (ProbaYes, Vesta System, Cotherm and Passy Stores), and two leading academic research partners (CETHIL, and the PErSEUs team in Metz). The COMETE project is supported by the Haute-Savoie General Council and is certified by the Mont-Blanc Industries and Tenerrdis competitiveness clusters.See the related article in the Usine DigitaleSee related article in La TribuneSee the associated article in The Messager