Research activities
January 2016: BHEE joint laboratory: EDF and CETHIL renew their collaboration
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of their collaboration, EDF and CETHIL renewed their four-year commitment with the BHEE Joint Laboratory.The BHEE Joint Laboratory was born from a statement: the place of buildings in the French energy landscape is crucial. This association between the CETHIL university laboratory (CNRS, INSA Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon1) and the R&D Department of EDF was created in order to progress in understanding the mechanisms and levers of energy efficiency and propose innovative solutions. The BHEE Joint Laboratory is distinguished by its multi-scale approach (from the material to the scale of buildings in an urban block) and its desire to produce prototypes and tools adapted to a concrete use in the field.Eric Maurincomme, INSA Lyon Director, and CETHIL and EDF members Created in 2005, it currently counts 16 doctoral theses and more than 15 participations to national and international collaborative projects. This 4-year renewal of the commitment introduces new challenges regarding the role of energy storage solutions, the self-consumption of locally produced renewable energies and the role of the building in optimising energy management on the scale of an urban block. "In parallel, there is also the need for a multidisciplinary approach based on solid collaborations to be built, such as with the new MATEB Joint Laboratory (EDF/MATEIS) or the EPOC project (Étude de Préfiguration d'un Observatoire local du Climat) conducted within the framework of the IMU Labex, involving many disciplines. I join Jean-Luc Hubert (EDF R&D) in wishing our successors, Maya MILLIEZ (EDF R&D) and Frédéric KUZNIK (CETHIL), the same pleasure and success in this beautiful collaboration as we have enjoyed over the past ten years. " confides Jean-Jacques Roux (CETHIL).Rendez-vous on January 22nd at the Rotonde des Humanités from 9am to 12pm to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the BHEE Laboratory.© Photo credit : Kaksonen/EDF/CNRS Photothèque