Research activities
Lucie Merlier interviewed at "Mercredis de l'Anthropocène"
Each week, the "Mercredi de l'Anthropocène - Wednesdays of the Anthropocene" invite to better understand our anthropocene urban world. These talks take place within the framework of the Urban School of Lyon, at Halles du Faubourg (Lyon 7). Researchers and experts from many horizons discuss problems in relation to our contemporary life and highlight specific topics. Lucie Merlier, Assistant Professor at CETHIL, spoke during the first event devoted to "the city facing climate change", in dialogue with Jean-Jacques Terrin, architect and urban planner. The meeting took place on April 3rd. It allowed to detail more environmentally friendly solutions to support the development of low-carbon cities that are resilient to climate change. A recording (in French) can be found on the Sondekla podcast siteThis event is reported in an article on the website Rue89Lyon. The Wednesdays of Anthropocene (Mercredis de l'Anthropocène) are also presented in the Petit Bulletin.