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Personal protective equipements against Covid-19 are fabricated by 3D printing teams at INSA, in particular at CETHIL

It covers research projects at CETHIL and a wide variety of scientific disciplines ranging from engineering to digital, including the humanities and social sciences.

What actions should be taken to fight global warming? How can we imagine the transformation of our major energy, urban, societal systems, ? What can we do to face this great global challenge? How to mobilize individually and collectively? The purpose of this conference is to propose solutions.

Christian GHIAUS, faculty at CETHIL, reminds us that the human body is an engine that consumes energy, and that it is necessary to facilitate the dissipation of this energy towards the environment during periods of hot weather.

The conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy would make it possible to overcome the problem posed by the intermittency of solar or wind energy. Different paths are currently being studied, and a new concept has just been proposed: a hybrid near-field thermophotovoltaic/thermionic device.
