The centre
The Centre for Energy and Thermal Sciences of Lyon is situated in Villeurbanne (Lyon), on the Doua-Lyon Tech campus. The CETHIL depends on three institutions:
CNRS, for which the Centre is scientifically related to the INSIS (INstitut des Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes) and the INEE (INstitut Écologie et Environnement), and administratively to the Regional Delegation Rhône Auvergne (DR7);
the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Lyon), the institution housing all its premises;
the University Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL).
CETHIL belongs to the MEGA Doctoral School, devoted to reserach in Mechanics, Energetics, Civil Engineering, and Acoustics (ED 162). As a result, a large majority of doctoral students are enrolled in this doctoral school.
The Centre is currently structured in 5 themes, which are detailed in the “Research Activities”:
- Reactive Media and Heat Transfer (MRTT)
- Energy and Heat Transfer in Industrial Systems (EHTIS)
- Heat Transfer and Energy Processes in Buildings and their Environement (TEBE)
Some of the research is carried out within the framework of the EDF-CETHIL Joint Laboratory "Buildings with High Energy Efficiency" (BHEE) or LabCom (joint research program between an academic laboratory and an SME or a company of intermediate size) "Research, Analysis and Innovation for Burners of Growth Verneuil " (RAINBOV) with the company LE RUBIS SA.
For the partnerships with companies, the facilities of the Institut Carnot programme "Ingénierie@Lyon" can be considered.
Faculties belonging at CETHIL carry out their teaching in several institutions of Lyon. At INSA, the CETHIL is linked to the two-years Bachelor Department (FIMI) and three graduating departments (five years after higher education), namely the departments of Energy Engineering and Environment (EN), Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (GCU), and Mechanical Engineering (GM). The attachment to the UCBL is reflected in its involvement in the IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie) and its Civil Engineering and Thermal and Energy Engineering departments, as well as in the Mechanical Engineering department of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).

The work addresses the impact of domain walls on the thermal conductivity in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials.

Adieu Jacques.