Fête de la science / Science festival

The Fête de la science, i.e. the Science Festival, is a national event which takes place each year in October. CETHIL participates with a local event from Thursday morning to Saturday. During Thursday and Friday school kids can come, while the general audience is expected to join on Saturday. About 200 to 300 persons are able to visit us and discover the animations, which are all realted to heat transfer and heat-to-useful energy conversion.


  • fun experiments realted to temperature and heat transfer
  • a maquette (about 1 m3) of an energy-autonomous house, realised at the Lycée Albert-Camus in Rillieux-La-Pape
  • a Stirling heat engine (the "locomotive"...) and a thermoelectric converter

If you cannot wait...

Feel free to browse our humorous videos on the web (in French):

- Episode 1: "temperature" (link on Youtube)

- Episode 2: "heat transfer"


Please have a look at the French version of this page for more information related to this year's event!

Access ?

Sadi-Carnot building, 3rd floor. Please see accès au CETHIL.

See you soon!