Sreyash SARKAR awarded a best poster prize at the nanophotonics symposium of the Materials Research Society
The Materials Research Society (MRS) is a large US scientific society, which organizes its congress twice a year, gathering up to 7000 researchers of many countries. More than 60 symposia allow addressing a large variety of topics. The Fall 2023 congress took place in Boston from Novembre 25 until Decembre 1st. One of the symposia was devoted to ‘Emerging platforms and fundamental approaches for plasmonics, nanophotonics and metasurfaces’ (symposium EL08).
Six best-poster prizes were awarded by this symposium, which highlight both the scientific quality of the studies and their presentations. One of them was attributed to Dr Sreyash SARKAK, who is a post-doctoral researcher at CETHIL working on the research topic ‘Micro and nanoscale heat transfer’ (MiNT). This prize is supported by the peer-reviewed journal ‘Nanophotonics’. The other prizes were attributed to studies by American and Asian groups.
The selected study deals with thermal radiation in plasmonic nanobubbles, which are small-size bubbles generated by light iradiation of metallic nanoparticles. It was initiated few years ago during the master internship of Jerome SARR, and is directed by Dr Olivier MERCHIERS and Dr Pierre-Olivier CHAPUIS. It takes place within the CASTEX (cavitation under extreme conditions) project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). This project is coordinated by colleagues of the Institute of Light and Matter (ILM), located closeby on the La Doua campus.
Contact: Pierre-Olivier CHAPUIS, head of the ‘Micro and nanoscale heat transfer’ (MiNT) research theme at CETHIL