Research activities
2010: Best Poster Award at the 7th IBPSA France Conference
Eui-Jong Kim, PhD student at CETHIL, received in November 2010 the prize for best poster at the 7th IBPSA France 2010 conference on the theme of "Fiabilisation de la performance énergétique du bâtiment". He presented a publication entitled "Développement d’un modèle hybride de puits géothermiques verticaux", a joint work of Eui-Jong Kim1,3, Jean-Jacques Roux1, Michel Bernier2 and Odile Cauret3. Eui-Jong Kim started his thesis in March 2010. He works in collaboration with EDF as part of the joint laboratory CETHIL / EDF (BHEE) and with the Polytechnic School of Montreal where he stayed during 6 months. His subject is of a numerical and experimental nature and concerns the modeling of vertical geothermal wells. Models using the sub-structuring techniques of the study area, mixed finite element / finite volume methods as well as the reduction of the state models and the nesting of multiple time steps, allowed him to propose several very effective approaches at the digital level. The article proposed at this conference concerns more particularly one of the hybrid digital / analytical approaches and its validation on experimental data.1 CETHIL, INSA Lyon2 Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada3 EDF R&D - ENERBAT Department