Research activities

28 Aug

Research activities

August 2013: Best poster award at the IBPSA conference for Matthieu Labat; Jean-Jacques Roux named "IBPSA Fellow"

Matthieu Labat, PhD student, was awarded the 3rd prize for the best poster at the 13th international conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), "Building Simulation 2013", held in August 25th to 28th. in Chambéry. The Conference is held every two years. To date, IBPSA World brings together national associations from 28 member countries ( ). The 13th edition of the Conference was organized from August 26th to 28th, 2013, in Chambéry, by the University of Savoie .( ). This edition welcomed 630 participants from 45 countries. 480 articles (859 abstracts submitted) were presented in the 72 parallel sessions.The poster was titled "Simulation of coupled heat, air and moisture transfers in an experimental house exposed to natural climate" and summarizes part of his thesis co-directed by Monika Woloszyn (Professor at the University of Savoie, LOCIE) and Jean -Jacques Roux (Professor at INSA Lyon, CETHIL) in close collaboration with the Grenoble "Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment" (CSTB), which has received the support of the "Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie" (ADEME). The presented article discussed the performances of the model of coupled heat and moisture air transfers developed during the thesis, on the basis of a comparison with the local and then global measurements carried out on the experimental device in situ, a cell built on the wood frame house technology and subject to the real climate conditions of Grenoble. At the closing ceremony of the congress, the organizers of this event were congratulated by Professor Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, President of IBPSA World:- Jean-Jacques Roux (also Head of the CETHIL-EDF joint laboratory) received the rank of "IBPSA Fellow" for his major scientific contribution to the field of simulation of Heat and Mass Transfers in Buildings and for his involvement in the association. He is indeed president of the scientific committee of IBPSA France which, since 2000, organizes a national congress every 2 years.- an honorary distinction was awarded to Jean-Jacques Roux, Chair of the Scientific Committee, Monika Woloszyn, Vice-Chair of this Committee, and Etienne Wurtz (DR CNRS / CEA), Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee.

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