Research activities
European project Quantiheat coordinated by Séverine Gomes awarded a "Star of Europe" prize by the French Ministry of Research
Coordinated by Séverine Gomès, CNRS research director at CETHIL, the QUANTIHEAT project is awarded with this trophy dedicated to the best European projects carried by French teams. QUANTIHEAT has brought together around twenty partners from nine European countries. The aim was to better understand and measure thermal phenomena at the nanoscale, which are particularly important to consider in many technologies. The "Stars of Europe trophy" was presented on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal on December 5th at a ceremony at the Quai Branly Jacques Chirac Museum in Paris.
Mastering heat transfer is of fundamental importance in modern technologies incorporating nanocomponents or nanostructured materials. The development, improvement and optimization of these systems require careful control of the thermal properties of micro and nanoscale. Many sectors of the industry are concerned. QUANTIHEAT includes academic partners - physicists, materials scientists, modeling specialists, experimenters and microscopists, etc. - industrial partners, including SMEs and metrology institute manufacturers and micro and nanofabrication platforms. They have been able to improve a local probe thermal microscopy technique and propose new instruments for the study of thermal transfers at the ultra-local scale. They have also established numerical models that facilitate the interpretation of observed phenomena. In addition, QUANTIHEAT has published twenty-seven articles in international conference journals on a variety of topics, such as metrology, nanomaterials, surface analysis, thermal physics.
The "Stars of Europe" reward each year coordinators of European research and innovation projects supported by a French structure.
This award is the subject of various communiqués from the supervisory bodies, including the CNRS and the Ministry of Research.
Link to the Quantiheat project.