Research activities
June 2018: The Donald Ernst Award recognizes a CETHIL team at the International Conference on Heat Pipes
The Donald M. Ernst Award recognizes the two best papers presented at each edition of the International Heat Pipe Conference (IHPC): one is awarded for work of a rather fundamental nature and the other for a technological application. The prize for a fundamental work was awarded to a team of researchers from CETHIL and the SIMAP laboratory for a study conducted by Nicolas Cardin, PhD student, during the 19th edition of the IHPC conference, organized jointly with the Heat Pipes Symposium (13th International Heat Pipe Symposium) in Pisa from June 10th to June 14th, 2018. The award-winning communication focuses on opportunities to improve the performance of a flat heat pipe using electric fields.The Ernst Award was established in memory of Donald M. Ernst, president of a major heat pipe company, by his friends and colleagues, to honor advances in the field of heat pipes. Distinguished papers are selected by the members of the international committee of the IHPC conference.The award-winning study is funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region via the Academic Research Community (ARC) Energie and is the result of collaboration between the two laboratories. The work of Nicolas Cardin, in his third year of thesis, is co-directed by Jocelyn Bonjour, Laurent Davoust, Stéphane Lips and Samuel Siedel, and is part of the theme of Energy Research and Thermal Transfers of Industrial Systems (EHTIS) at CETHIL.